We’re on Patreon!

The Rewindables and Swish FM are now two separate podcasts, both of which will publish on the same podcast feed and this website. The Rewindables will be available for free every Monday. And Swish FM+ will be available via Patreon. If you're in a position to support and keep our pods independent and ad-free, we greatly appreciate it! Support The Rewindables and Swish FM+ via Patreon!

How to add a Patreon RSS to Apple Podcasts

1.) Copy the RSS link URL from the My Membership tab in Patreon or copy the link that comes in via email

2.) Open the Apple podcasts app on your phone

3.) Click the three dots in the top right corner

4.) Select the add podcast by URL option

5.) Paste your RSS feed and then click "follow"

6.) You are now subscribed to the Patreon feed of the show!

Note: if you were previously subscribed to our show, unsubscribe/unfollow the old (free) feed of our podcast, to avoid confusion.